Author Max Fortune
Max Fortune, author of DECENNIAL and other books.

About The Author

Max Fortune
DECENNIAL – Max Fortune’s New Novel

Max Fortune is the Executive Director of the National Minority Coalition (, a nonprofit organization that focuses on creating positive images and stories of all minority groups as well as working to increase diversity and inclusion in the corporate world.

He is also the President and CEO of Fortune Publishing Group, a publishing company specializing in helping authors get their books published quickly and affordably. Being an author, Max Fortune wanted to provide an all-in-one solution for other authors who wish to self-publish their books.

Max Fortune is also an accomplished book coach who has coached many authors on writing their books in 90 days or less and offers a book coaching course on writing a book in less than 90 days on

Max Fortune has also written, filmed, and produced a sports documentary titled “Unfinished Business: the story of the undefeated Howard Lions.”

Max Fortune has written four books of his own, ghostwritten numerous other titles and has published hundreds of books for other authors:

Max Fortune has written and published four books of his own, has ghostwritten numerous books for other authors in many different genres but specializes in writing self-help books and memoirs, and has published hundreds of books for other authors.

Max’s first book was “Success: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Dreams and Goals,” a book written to provide a blueprint to achieving any dream or goal that you want to achieve.

“Get Rich in Your Niche” is a book written for business owners who wish to grow their business, focusing on building your business brand by marketing in your niche.

“How to Publish a Book and Make a Fortune,” which is a book written for aspiring authors as well as seasoned writers, illustrating how to plan, write, publish, pay for and market your book.

Decennial is a fiction novel in which white police officers who get convicted of using excessive force during the black lives matter protests of 2020 are enrolled in the “Decennial” program instead of being sent to prison.  The Decennial Program is a virtual world in which the white officers become black citizens and face their racial biases head-on. The officers face new challenges and either reform or remain trapped in a world trying to survive the hardships of being black in America.



by Max Fortune

Decennial is a fiction novel in which white police officers who get convicted of using excessive force during the black lives matter protests of 2020 are enrolled in the “Decennial” program instead of being sent to prison.  The Decennial Program is a virtual world in which white officers become black citizens and face their racial biases head-on. The officers face new challenges and either reform or remain trapped in a world trying to survive the hardships of being black in America.

Decennial Book - Laying Flat
Image of Decennial Book laying flat


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Decennial Full Cover

September 5, 2021

Decennial Book Signing
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“Fortune End of Summer Bash”
Owings Mills MD

Meet Max Fortune in person and Get Your Copy of Decennial signed while Supplies last. Stay connected to see future events for Max Fortune and Decennial.

September 25, 2021

Black Wall Street of Baltimore Business Walk

“Charles Village”
E. 25th Street Baltimore MD 21218

Meet Max Fortune in person and Get Your Copy of Decennial signed while Supplies last. Stay connected to see future events for Max Fortune and Decennial.

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Decennial Full Cover

October 2021

Atlanta Georgia

Meet Max Fortune in person and Get Your Copy of Decennial signed while Supplies last. Stay connected to see future events for Max Fortune and Decennial.

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With Max Fortune